Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My *Fav* Fixit Tools .. for Free!!

Like Bobby Fischer once said about his favorite opening in chess .. the Ruy Lopez/Pawn to King 4, or 1e4 in today's algebraic notation, "Best by Test" .. this is my feeling about the diagnostic/repair utilities I've selected for this blog entry. After extensive research, comparison and rigorous use .. the following utilities are the ones I've found to be the easiest and most effective to use. And they all work and play very well together.  *And* have the least amount of impact on what the *human* wants to accomplish.  That is to say, cutting into your processor performance and slowing you down.

Author's NOTE: I have not received *any* compensation from the program authors of the following software.  This information is presented merely as a public service.

((click on any image below for an enlarged view of same))

<> For the PC <>

Advanced System Care

1st up .. my *ideal* for the model of the way utility software should be written .. working smarter, not harder .. "Advanced System Care."  This program is pretty much a 'kitchen sink'/do all software gadget.  But its interface is so well done, that it is a veritable *pleasure* to make repairs to your PC software. The picture below is the main window of ASC:

As you can see, the button on the right is the standout image.  And, for basic use, that's *entirely* all you need to know about!  After you install this program and open it, simply left click the "SCAN" button. The program will then proceed *automatically* through several diagnostic functions to see what needs repairing. After the scan is complete, select "Repair" if automatic repair has not already been done.

When the routines are done, left click the "X" at the top right and you're done!  Now what, I ask you, could be simpler than that!?  There is a shortcoming .. the program will not do *deep* diagnostics unless you register for the 'Pro" version.  And although it would be well worth it, the basic version does housekeeping just fine for most folks.

By the way, if you're not sure what your internet speed is, here's a website to find out:  http://www.speedtest.net/ .. when you get there .. you may/may not have to download and install a software module to facilitate the test .. then select a server location that is geographically closest to you and 'speedtest' does the rest.

This site is also *very* helpful if you are subscribed for say 10mbps (megabits per second), and by testing, you find you're only getting 7mbps .. well then .. it's time to call your ISP (internet service provider) and have them give you what you're supposed to have by way of *tweaking* your service back to optimum.


This is a small software gadget that I use as an adjunct to ASC.

The reason being .. in its basic form .. ASC does not cover all the 'Chrome' browser privacy deletions.  So, after I run ASC, I bring up CCleaner to finish taking out the garbage. And it's just a simple 2-step procedure, so no worries mate!

Here's the main window for CCleaner:

Just left click "Analyze" .. and then left click "Run Cleaner" .. and that's it!  You're done with this one. Just click the "X" at the top right corner of the window to put this little one to bed 'til next time ...

avast! Free Antivirus

More *free* good stuff!  Cool!

One of the few antivirus programs that is 'Windows approved' so to speak.  Windows recognizes it as a good antivirus program that is complimentary with the Windows operating system software.

After download and install, you are given the option to register for a full year.  Good idea.  Mostly because you won't be pestered after 30 days to register again.  But for *free* for a full year .. what's not to like!?  And, much like ASC, this is another program that I would *highly recommend* upgrading to the Pro version.

This Antivirus gadget watches *everything* .. your email, your browsing on the internet, your files .. *and* it updates the virus signatures library daily .. with an audio notification!  It saved me from a trojan horse virus ridden website as recent as yesterday!  When that happens, you get a *red* warning window and audio notification telling you that the website has been blocked as having the potential to cause harm to your PC.

And .. *bonus* .. you can set up 'avast!' to do a *rootkit* scan on reboot.  A rootkit is a type of malware that normal scanning while in the Windows OS may not be able to detect or repair.  It's sort of like a tick; it gets under the skin of the normal software and is harder to remove.  So it's a good idea to do at least 1 rootkit scan after you install 'avast!'  Starting at the main window, here's how:

In the left column, select, "Scan Computer" .. then, still in the left column, select "Boot-time Scan" .. in the center of the window near the top of the window, select "Schedule Now" .. over on the right hand side of the window, you have the option to "Restart Computer" immediately.  Or you can just close out 'avast!' and restart when you are ready to do so.  And please bear in mind, when you see the blue screen with the white text on reboot it is not a problem; it is 'avast!' doing the rootkit scan.

And, depending on the size of your PC's hard drive, it may take some time .. up to 30 minutes or more.  So you may want to plan to read a book or something like that.  But you should still check the progress of the rootkit scan. As it may prompt you as to what to do if it finds a problem file. Typically, it will display a number selection from which to pick. What I usually do, is type the number selection that sends the file to the virus vault.  If the file is resistant to being moved, then I select the 'remove' or 'delete' function.  If that doesn't do the trick, the infection may be so severe that the Windows OS software will have to be either repaired or reinstalled.  But I have found this only on very rare occasions.

Spybot - Search & Destroy

Not as well known as others of this anti-spyware genre.  And not a very fancy interface.  But this one digs deep; deeper than even the big-name anti-spyware programs that totally missed what this one fixed.  And it's also free .. but all these folks ask if you're so inclined, is a simple donation.  Well worth every penny. About a week ago, I was experiencing a noticeable system slowdown. And I had run all the above. Even another free anti-spyware program. And a defrag and optimize!  And still the performance hit persisted.  So I pulled up my old friend Spybot.  And it found about 6 things that the others missed!  One item in particular was a trojan horse type of web cookie watching gizmo.  I told Spybot to remove all that garbage, rebooted .. and all was right in PC-ville again; back to optimum performance!

Here's the main window for Spybot:

When you bring up the main window for the 1st time, you should click the "Search for Updates" button 1st.  Then click the "Check for Problems" button and let it run. After which it will display a list of what it found with the option to fix the problems. After you fix the problems, in the left column, click "Immunize" .. this will add preventative software medicine to Windows Internet Explorer and Firefox to resist spyware infection.  And then you're done!  Restart your computer; you should now see a *noticeable* performance gain!

Auslogics Disk Defrag

And last but certainly not the least in PC-tweakin' software considerations .. what I feel is the fastest, easiest to use and most efficient defragmentation and optimization program for your Windows toolkit.

Here's the main window:

Very simple interface.  If you haven't defragged *and* optimized your drive(s) in a long time .. or ever .. you really need to take care of that.  You will see a noticeable *vast* performance improvement in your PC. In fact, this should be done at least once a month to keep program functions at optimum speed. Because the longer it takes your computer to put all the *fragments* together to get them into RAM, the slower the overall get up and go will be.

So .. simply .. select the popdown menu where it says "Defrag" .. and pick "Defrag & Optimize" .. yes, it will take longer .. but this is another notch of improved speed as a function of this program for which you will very likely be thankful.  I've always felt, that computers should do computing as *fast* as possible; the repetitive tasks that they do .. so that the *humans* can get back to doing the human stuff sooner.

Depending on how long it's been since this was done, and the size of your hard drive, and the amount of free hard drive space .. this process may take 10 minutes, or it may take hours.  If there are *lots* of red fragments on the display, it's probably best to stop it if you need to do other things.  Then set it up to run overnight, or when you leave the computer to run errands.

<> For the Mac <>


After installation and opening of the application .. the function selected is pretty much all you need to do.  Just click the "Execute" button at the bottom, and all the de-garbage-ing routines will be done the easy way.  There are other areas to explore obviously.  But do *not* do them unless you are absolutely *sure* of what you are doing or an advanced user. In any event, you should always have a *regular* backup of your software regardless of utility usage .. because hard drives don't last forever ...  Please NOTE:  Make sure the version of OnyX that you download and use supports the current version of your Mac OSX.


Most excellent defrag/optimize software application for the Mac.  Now in version 2.  The image is showing a very fragmented disk, with the option to do a 'full defrag' selected.  And that's the *ideal* selection.  Especially if you've not done a defrag on your Mac in a long time .. or ever ...  And now iDefrag no longer requires you to make a boot CD to do a full defrag.  Another application well worth the money.  But .. even in it's free/shareware mode, you can still do an 'Online Defrag' without a reboot.  That alone will fix a world of fragmented hurt.


Once again .. another really nice, simple/easy-to-use Mac application.  According to reviews, it runs very fast, and does not bog down other system processes while running.  Another must-see *free* nifty utility.


And where can you *get* all these neato programs/applications..?  Why don't I *tell* you where you can get them..?  Right here:  Download.com  Tah Dah!  ;-)


Welp .. like they usetah tell me in the Navy .. "That ought to keepya busy for a microsecond.."  And that was a compliment.  Because they knew I'd be back real soon, asking more questions, wanting to know more stuff, and get *the smarts* ...

In the meantime .. hope all yooz out there have a *Slap Happy New Year* .. and a healthy and prosperous one too .. 'til next time ..

Peace out ...

Ol' Doc CPU


Sunday, July 11, 2010

*COOL* Tips for summer computing ...

' decided to change topic again.  The "How to Blog" thing .. well it's already been done.  And Google has done so *way* better than i could.  So, rather than re-inventing the wheel .. ' gonna do a short bit on keeping your computin' machine from overheating.

Because .. if it overheats, it shuts down.  And worse, the components .. power supply, main processor and other motherboard locations can be damaged badly, requiring costly replacement.  An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure so to speak.

Tip 1 >>> whether it be desktop or laptop .. always make sure there is a good deal of space around it so as to allow for free-flowing ventilation.  Best not to keep inside a small cabinet or shelf space .. especially one where the door is kept closed with the idea being to keep the computer out of sight.

Tip 2 >>> make sure your machine does not sit on carpeted floor or other synthetic fabric.  The static electricity associated here, tends to gather dust, pet hair, etc.  Which in turn, clogs computer vents.  In turn, blocking ventilation .. causing overheating.

Tip 3 >>> make a regular habit of using canned air to blow out the exterior vents and the interior of the computer.  For desktop models .. actually shut the computer and monitor down, disconnect all the computer cables (noting of course where to plug them back in; label them if necessary), and remove one of the side panels. Some computer designs may require you to remove a one-piece 3-sided shell, exposing the interior.

Then, you might want to take it outside to a deck or porch.  And use the canned air to blow out the fans, vents, motherboard, power supply, etc.  If the fans are still dust encrusted .. you can use a paper towel with a small amount of white vinegar to finish the job.  This vinegar tip is also useful for ceiling fans, etc.

For laptops .. well, taking those apart is not recommended by non-tech types.  There are vents on the sides of most laptop computers.  These should be well blown out regularly to maintain optimum airflow.  As well .. *bonus* .. there are laptop holders on the market that are very good for reducing laptop temperatures.  These are made from metal, usually aluminum.  Therefore, they are natural *heat sinks* .. drawing the heat from the laptop to the laptop platform.  And they are small enough to fit inside a typical laptop case.  One such product is called iLap.  {Please Note:  i get no sort of commission from products mentioned in this Blog.  This is done only by way of recommending what i have used and found to be worthwhile.}

Tip 4 >>> don't keep the computer near a window where the sun beams in to cause added heat.  Avoiding these kinds of areas will also reduce glare on the monitor.

Tip 5 >>> make a habit of changing the filter in your household a/c unit on a regular basis.  This is also a very good practice to keep the humans from overheating as well; your air conditioner will cool much more efficiently with regular filter changes; especially if you have pets in the house.

Tip 6 >>> give your computer a rest when you're not using it.  Use the "Power Properties" or whatever power conserving control panel software is installed in your computer to allow the monitor to turn off, spin down the drives, or go all the way into standby or hibernate when you're not using it.  This not only keeps your computer cool .. it saves you a *ton* of electricity costs!  And if you're going on vacation, or away for the weekend, turn your computer off completely; that includes monitors, printers, external drives, etc.

So .. i said this would be a short bit.  There you have it.

NEXT TIME >>>>> Computer Security/Utility Update .. the latest best *free* software to keep your machine safe and performing at its best.

Here's hopin' you and your computer are stayin' frosty!

Ol' Doc CPU


Friday, February 5, 2010

Green Machine .. energy-saving computer tips

Wanna save a little money..? D'OH! Who doesn't..?

Well, here's how yah do so with your computin' machine ..

DISCLAIMER .. the following is probably not all-inclusive .. I still don't claim to know it all ... but at least these tips may get you thinkin' in the right direction to make your computer more earth-friendly. I'm sure we'd all agree we like the earth .. it's just that some entities and things on the planet need a little tweaking to be in better harmony with this nice celestial body. It is after all the only one we've got .. so we would be well-advised to do our best to take care of it.

So without further adieu ..

#1> Every time you sit down at your computer desk, one of the first things you look at is the monitor. Here's the thing .. is your monitor the old-fashioned type? That is to say, is it the *huge* big boxy-lookin' thing with a CRT (cathode ray tube) inside? Well then, there's the 1st way you can save .. replace it with a flat screen/lcd monitor. And I realize money is kinda tight right now .. but you can find smaller *used* flat screen monitors in lots of places on the internet .. or in your local paper. Because .. the big clunky, *heavy* CRT monitors, the average size (say 15-17 inch) .. they are using about 300-350 watts. Whereas, contrarily, the flat screens of comparable size, are only using about 35 watts. Hmm .. that's 90% *less* wattage! Keen!

And, bonus, the flat screens are virtually *radiation-free*! And with the new display technology for most flat screens out there .. they are also easier on the eyes. And .. they take up a lot less desktop space too! More room for your pen and pencil sets and crayons. Nifty huh?

#2> Check your Control Panel "Power Options" settings. Remember when your Mom used to tell you, "Turn off the light when you leave the room!" Good idea then; good idea now .. in the sense that .. your computer has the smarts built in to automatically reduce power consumption when you're not using it.

The lower the number of minutes/hours you set in the main "Power Options" window, the more energy/money you will save. Here's an example of the settings that I use .. these are just suggested settings .. your mileage may vary ..

And that 1st tab in the above control panel should have sufficient variables for most folks. The other tabs are open for adventuring into, but not absolutely necessary for everyday use.

#3> Doing a regular file defrag. Please refer to my prior blog post on this. This function, as mentioned previously, makes for less wear and tear on your hard drive, thereby prolonging its life. And, reassembling all the file fragments back into single contiguous files allows your computer to work faster, thereby requiring less electricity as well.

In fact, some of the drives in the newer computers have a power-saving feature built right into the drive chip (firmware) programming. Which is to say, after a certain period of no drive access, the drive will power/spin down to idle to save electricity and wear. And, not to worry, it will spin right back up automatically when it senses the need for user access.

#4> Remember the "Turn off the light.." analogy above..? Well, do what your Mom told you and turn things off when you won't be using them. Namely, your computer and monitor .. and peripherals (printers, scanners, modems, etc.) too, when you're not using them. Certainly not when you're just leaving the room and intend to sit back down at the computer shortly .. the "Power Options" will take care of short term energy-saving. But , if you're going out to the grocery store, or for an evening of dining and dancing, or going to bed for the evening .. turn the computer and its connected components all the way off .. you'll save a *ton* of electricity!

And yes, there is the school of thought that leaving the computer and so forth on will help it to attain a much greater degree of electronic stability. I learned this way back in basic electronics, and understand it fully. But back when I learned that .. the 60's .. folks weren't concerned so much about their electric bill or conserving the planet's energy.

And this line of thinking does tend to extend the life of mechanical components by not flipping them off and on with great frequency. So, you have to use your own judgement, and strike a balance with which you are comfortable .. between saving energy, and saving mechanical parts.

*GOOD NEWS* >>> At least as far as the hard drives go, that is already changing. It is now possible to buy computers that no longer have an electromechanical hard drive .. a hard drive with no moving parts. The new iPad from Apple is the most recent example. And an absolutely *wondrous* side-effect of the new solid state hard drives .. instant on! A computer after my own nerdy heart. One of my pet peeves about computers, lo' these nearly 50 past years, has been that they should keep up with the humans! In the latest configuration, with solid state hard drive .. now they do.

#5> Charge your handheld devices (i.e. cel phones, iPods, etc.) while connected to your computer; not in your car. Unless of course you're going on a long trip .. then of course it cannot be avoided. But it has been in the news this week, that by virtue of using gasoline at idle or otherwise, more energy is used to charge your portable devices in the car than at the computer.

Welp .. that's it for this installment.

But *stay tuned* .. for the next *exciting* episode of Blog-O-Matic .. when our intrepid hero Ol' Doc CPU dives into about half a dozen "Browsers .. Your Internet Portals" .. a *very basic* treatise on the most popular browsing programs out there that you should check out and give a look-see.

Like they used to tell me in the Navy .. "That oughta keepya busy for a microsecond.." And that was a compliment! Meaning that I'd be right back pretty lickety split wanting to learn more.

Until next computin' time .. here's computin' at you!

ol' Doc CPU


P.S. >>> If you find yourself in the Easley, SC area any Sunday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. .. and feel like some good ol' fashioned *delicious* home cookin' buffet style at a really low price .. you might give some thought to stoppin' by my favorite restaurant out there.

Here's the website for the restaurant >>>http://www.sparrowsnest.com/sparrowmain.html Not only is the food made yummy fresh the same day, the dining rooms are an absolutely *beautiful* setting and wonderful environment to have a peaceful refreshing meal. Off the beaten path in a quiet country setting. And you just cannot beat the price for all you can eat. Check it out! It's where I get my vittles from .. and they don't pay me 1 cent to say this .. it's just that good!!

Jus' give 'em a call to make reservations for your meetings or receptions!

Home cookin' take out too!
