Sunday, July 11, 2010

*COOL* Tips for summer computing ...

' decided to change topic again.  The "How to Blog" thing .. well it's already been done.  And Google has done so *way* better than i could.  So, rather than re-inventing the wheel .. ' gonna do a short bit on keeping your computin' machine from overheating.

Because .. if it overheats, it shuts down.  And worse, the components .. power supply, main processor and other motherboard locations can be damaged badly, requiring costly replacement.  An ounce of prevention being worth a pound of cure so to speak.

Tip 1 >>> whether it be desktop or laptop .. always make sure there is a good deal of space around it so as to allow for free-flowing ventilation.  Best not to keep inside a small cabinet or shelf space .. especially one where the door is kept closed with the idea being to keep the computer out of sight.

Tip 2 >>> make sure your machine does not sit on carpeted floor or other synthetic fabric.  The static electricity associated here, tends to gather dust, pet hair, etc.  Which in turn, clogs computer vents.  In turn, blocking ventilation .. causing overheating.

Tip 3 >>> make a regular habit of using canned air to blow out the exterior vents and the interior of the computer.  For desktop models .. actually shut the computer and monitor down, disconnect all the computer cables (noting of course where to plug them back in; label them if necessary), and remove one of the side panels. Some computer designs may require you to remove a one-piece 3-sided shell, exposing the interior.

Then, you might want to take it outside to a deck or porch.  And use the canned air to blow out the fans, vents, motherboard, power supply, etc.  If the fans are still dust encrusted .. you can use a paper towel with a small amount of white vinegar to finish the job.  This vinegar tip is also useful for ceiling fans, etc.

For laptops .. well, taking those apart is not recommended by non-tech types.  There are vents on the sides of most laptop computers.  These should be well blown out regularly to maintain optimum airflow.  As well .. *bonus* .. there are laptop holders on the market that are very good for reducing laptop temperatures.  These are made from metal, usually aluminum.  Therefore, they are natural *heat sinks* .. drawing the heat from the laptop to the laptop platform.  And they are small enough to fit inside a typical laptop case.  One such product is called iLap.  {Please Note:  i get no sort of commission from products mentioned in this Blog.  This is done only by way of recommending what i have used and found to be worthwhile.}

Tip 4 >>> don't keep the computer near a window where the sun beams in to cause added heat.  Avoiding these kinds of areas will also reduce glare on the monitor.

Tip 5 >>> make a habit of changing the filter in your household a/c unit on a regular basis.  This is also a very good practice to keep the humans from overheating as well; your air conditioner will cool much more efficiently with regular filter changes; especially if you have pets in the house.

Tip 6 >>> give your computer a rest when you're not using it.  Use the "Power Properties" or whatever power conserving control panel software is installed in your computer to allow the monitor to turn off, spin down the drives, or go all the way into standby or hibernate when you're not using it.  This not only keeps your computer cool .. it saves you a *ton* of electricity costs!  And if you're going on vacation, or away for the weekend, turn your computer off completely; that includes monitors, printers, external drives, etc.

So .. i said this would be a short bit.  There you have it.

NEXT TIME >>>>> Computer Security/Utility Update .. the latest best *free* software to keep your machine safe and performing at its best.

Here's hopin' you and your computer are stayin' frosty!

Ol' Doc CPU
