Tuesday, June 30, 2009

In the Computin' Beginnin' ...

Not the *very* beginning of computers .. but pretty nearly that far .. that's how far I go back anyway. ' been computin' and engineerin' for over 45 years! And *still* don't claim to know it all! Anybody says they do .. hogwash. Because it changes every day. And that's part of the beauty of it. Not only does one get to figure out really cool electronic puzzles, but because of the virtually constant changes, it stays *very* interesting! I just *love* to keep up with it as much as I'm able. And now that I'm retired, I get to do it with even greater frequency.

But this blog is not about me or what I know, pin a medal on my chest, etc. It's to sort of give back to the general public. A kind of informal place one can visit every so often, to get a good grip on computer basics. Related, hopefully, in my finest techno-laymanese, so that all who wish to be .. especially those also retired that may have pursued some other vocational path .. can now begin to become more computer literate.

Oh yes .. in my travels, visiting with other retired folks, they have told me they know little or nothing about computers other than to turn it on and check their email or do a little internet browsing. So, when the repair tech comes to visit, they most often feel as though they are listening to some alien language. And have to rely on this person totally for what they feel they have to take as computer gospel. Not being able to understand another being's language makes for a very frustrating barrier. In this case, leaving one feeling 'lost in space' within all the technical jargon.

And too .. I found personally, that when one returns to the basics for a kind of *refresher* course .. well, it just reinforces the foundation of any field of study. By way of personal example, for me, it was chess. At one point in my life, I used to think I was pretty good at chess. But against only *relatively* stronger players I was losing pretty badly. So .. I went back to the basics. I picked up a small paperback which is now out of circulation. But you can probably still get a used copy online somewhere .. "Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess" .. there .. my secret's out! And guess what .. I went back and beat a *lot* more of those mid-strength players. Even played a game against a master strength player that had him up against the back rank and visibly sweating!

For those of you interested in chess, you will find that this particular book teaches chess in an incredibly simple format; way better than the old lists of openings types of books. And, please note, I do *not* get a cent from the sales of that book. Just like to relate good info. And it is related as a simple analogy .. for those that *do* know a lot about computers. They may want to stop by occasionally to review the basics as well.

It's free! What's not to like..? My Mom always used to say, "For free take .. for buy waste time." Oy! Thanks Mom. I still remember and am very grateful for all those sayings. Maybe more later on those .. ''o))

So .. that should do it for a fair bit of intro.

I will try my level best to add at least 1 Computin' module per week. And will do my best to make it *anything* but boring.

Stay tuned!

ol' Doc CPU
